The days of looking up an orthodontist in a phone book are long gone. Finding a nearby office is as easy as opening a search engine.

The internet is one of the most valuable resources when looking for solutions to everyday problems. Suppose you want to ensure that potential patients can find your orthodontic practice online. In that case, you need to learn to implement and adopt search engine optimisation or what we usually refer to as SEO.

Most people value SEO for orthodontists because it makes it easy for them to access all the information they require from the comfort of their own homes.

SEO entails optimising your website to appear higher in search engine results and making you more accessible to patients. Customers who conduct online business searches often limit their options to the top few listings, and your site’s SEO affects where your site appears in the search results.

You must strengthen your marketing efforts if you want your orthodontic practice to receive as many web visitors as possible. And enhancing your SEO is the first step in doing that.

What is SEO for Orthodontists?

Search engines can produce search results for keywords entered by users by looking through their indexes for the websites that appear to be most relevant. In the case of SEO for orthodontists, the search engine will search its archives for sites optimised for those keywords when the user types orthodontic-related search terms. The results will then be presented, starting with the most relevant and working down. 

The technique of modifying a website to appear higher in search engine results is called search engine optimisation. It entails applying several strategies designed to aid search engines in identifying and recognising the website’s authority in the area of orthodontics and the area it serves.

Why is SEO for Orthodontists Important?

In order to remain relevant for both current and potential patients, orthodontics must keep up with the rapidly evolving digital marketing techniques and technologies. You should use quality SEO techniques on your orthodontic website to assist you in outranking competitors (especially general dentists) for the specialised teeth alignment services you provide.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) methods for orthodontic websites include strategic keyword placement, NAP consistency maintenance, creating and publishing highly optimised content, social media marketing, link-building techniques, and more. TopRankings, the leading SEO Agency for Orthodontists, is aware of the fierce competition in the orthodontic SEO industry. To assist you in securing your market share against general dentists and mail-order aligner companies, our SEO experts can improve the ranking of your website.

Benefits of Using TopRankings’ SEO for Orthodontists

SEO’s main advantage is the potential to rank higher in search engine results pages. If you rank higher, you will receive more clicks from people doing online searches for orthodontists.

With the help of TopRankings, the leading SEO agency for orthodontists in Melbourne, you can expect the following benefits below:

Rank High Up in the Search Engine Results

Providing high-quality services alone won’t get you additional clients, in this age of digitalisation. Your current and potential customers should quickly find your website on the search engine results pages. With the help of TopRankings, your SEO is optimised so that you appear high in search results, guaranteeing an increase in traffic as you grow your clientele.

Complete Transparency

You become our partners as soon as you sign with us. Throughout the course of our relationship, we ensure complete transparency. You will receive regular updates on the performance of your campaigns as well as monthly performance reports from our team at TopRankings. We will also inform you of any upcoming plans that would aid in the growth of your orthodontic practice.

Improved ROIs

TopRankings keeps track of the SEO techniques you’ve put in place and compares them for you on a regular basis so you can see how your website traffic has changed. Additionally, we work to get your orthodontic website on the first page of search results, which boosts your return on investment (ROI).

Effective SEO Tactics

A lot of strategies and SEO efforts are needed in order to build and develop a strong online presence. While we can’t guarantee results right away, we can guarantee that your orthodontic website will be considerably better off in a few months. Your clientele will grow, and your practice’s total profitability will grow thanks to our well-executed SEO strategies.

Personalised Strategies

At TopRankings, we understand the value of customised SEO strategies tailored to the particular requirements of your orthodontic practice. So, we assist with creating orthodontics-specific SEO strategies. You may rest easy knowing that we will only make decisions and create materials that are entirely relevant to your company.

How to Improve Your Google Rankings Using SEO for Orthodontists?

You need to start putting SEO for orthodontists into practice now that you know its importance. It takes time to become visible in search engines, and even if you’ve reached your objectives, you’ll need to keep working to retain your position.

At TopRankings, our SEO team puts into action a thorough plan to as quickly as possible get your orthodontic practice ranked at the top of search engines like Google. There are various ways that we accomplish this.

Website Audit

To see what we have to work with, we will first look at your website by conducting a thorough website audit. It’s likely that you already have excellent content; all that is needed is to optimise it so that search engines can find it.

Placing orthodontic keywords, using metadata and tags, building backlinks, and performing back-end maintenance are just a few examples of the many diverse tactics included in optimisation.

Conduct Keyword Research

We will look at relevant searches in your area to stay ahead of the competition. It reveals the search terms people use to find orthodontic services, which helps us understand how to optimise your website’s content and keywords to boost its search engine rankings.

Start an Orthodontic-Related Blog

Of course, you want people to visit your practice for their orthodontic needs. But that doesn’t restrict you from giving them some free counsel before their initial visit.  Producing informational content for online searchers is one way to draw in new clients and demonstrate your field knowledge.

Our team of writers are specialised in writing orthodontic-related content and blogs that can help answer the queries of your current and potential patients by providing keyword targetted, relevant and timely blogs.

Implement Local SEO

Nobody wants to make a long trip for orthodontic care, so they focus their search on nearby specialists. We ensure that local SEO is a part of your SEO plan so that these prospects may find you. This strategy can help you attract more prospect leads from people looking for orthodontic services in your area.

Maintain NAP Consistency

The consistency of your practice’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) online is a significant element when search engines rank websites. The NAP for your orthodontic clinic is probably listed online in several locations, including Google My Business (GMB), local online directories, review sites, community forums, and more. Maintaining consistency throughout these listings can convince search engines that your practice is still active and legitimate.

Optimise Google Business Profile

In 2021, the most important local pack SEO ranking criteria was a company’s automated, free profile on Google called a “Google Business Profile.” The first step in this SEO plan is to claim the Google Business Profile for your orthodontist business. The success of your practice’s SEO strategy depends on customising, updating, and expanding it.

On-Page & Off-Page Optimization

In 2021, on-page optimisation ranked third among local pack SEO ranking factors and first among local organic SEO ranking factors.

A high Google ranking for your orthodontic website depends on both on-page and off-page SEO. Off-page SEO refers to factors like social media, outside links to your website, and other factors. On-page SEO refers to everything you can manage on your website. At TopRankings, we have a solid strategy for each.

Strong Link Building Strategy

Link building is essential to convince search engines that your orthodontic website is high quality. It indicates that your website is listed as a resource on other reputable websites. Along with increasing website traffic, this SEO tactic demonstrates to search engines that your website is a reliable resource for orthodontic information.

Get Proven Results with SEO for Orthodontists Today!

TopRankings has experts who know how to make you stand out from the competition because we fully know your industry’s competitiveness.

A solid SEO strategy can significantly impact the ROI of your orthodontic practice. A website with a high ranking will receive more clicks and visitors than one listed on Google’s third page. More website visitors, clicks, and eyes on your practice translate to more patients coming through the door.

If you don’t think you’ll have the time to implement solid SEO strategies to your website, don’t worry, we got you!

Get your free chemistry call today to find out how we can improve your website using SEO for orthodontists.