SEO Melbourne

An approach you’ll love. Results you’ve only dreamt about.

TopRankings offers expert SEO Melbourne businesses have trusted for well over a decade. We mix data-driven strategy with technical insight to land you consistently extraordinary results – now, and into the future. What a winning combination.

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Why choose us?

As Australia’s leading expert in lead generation TopRankings offers proven SEO Melbourne businesses have known and loved for more than 20 years.

Experience the TopRankings difference today with premier client relationships, first-class efficiency and all the SEO tips and tricks-of-the-trade you need to thrive. Our industry-leading approach to optimising your rankings includes:

How can we help? That’s just the start.

SEO Company Melbourne

Businesses Trust

Experience the TopRankings difference.

Looking for an SEO Company Melbourne has loved and trusted for more than a decade? In an industry that’s constantly changing, experience counts for a lot. Here’s what makes TopRankings unique:

Launching into SEO strategy without getting to know your business is like cooking for a group of people whose dietary requirements you don’t understand. To create your Unlimited Keywords Campaign, we first take the time to know your business – the unique goals and objectives that define your purpose. This lands us right in front of those who matter most: your target audience.

‘Black Hat SEO’ is a practice that uses unethical tactics to lift a site’s rankings within a standard timeframe. Seen a company claiming it offers guaranteed results within a certain number of days? Be wary: Google penalties await. At TopRankings, we understand great SEO is a long-term game. Rest easy knowing you’re investing in your future.

In a constantly changing online environment, experience counts for everything. As an SEO Company Melbourne businesses have entrusted with their growth since 2007, your TopRankings team is primed and ready to help you achieve stunning ROI.

White Bus Near the Yellow Dome with A White Horse

Best SEO Company

that Australia has to Offer

Partnership you’ll value for years to come.

At TopRankings, our point of difference is our lasting client relationships. With so many clients staying with us for well over 5 years and counting, you can be certain you’re investing in long-term growth.

No two SEO campaigns should be the same – that is, you can be certain that what works for one website won’t be as effective for another. Despite this fact, a number of SEO providers still play the short-term game through Black Hat tactics and sales-focused results. As a Top SEO Company, we provide a comprehensive audit of your website’s health before creating a custom-fit SEO strategy using proven, long-term approaches.

We get it: it’s hard to resist signing up with agencies that encompass a range of departments – from SEO to social media management, and beyond. Just remember that it’s rare to find a company that performs well across the board. By starting with the foundation of outstanding SEO, we’ve consistently delivered on our goal of winning our clients the largest ROI from their chosen channels – that’s the beauty of working with SEO specialists.

As a boutique SEO Company, we won’t subject you to the one-size-fits-all tactics of the big players. What’s more, we keep our folio of clients to a manageable minimum so we can overdeliver for those we represent. Working with quality as our top priority, you can rest easy knowing your business is our priority. The result? A mind-bending SEO campaign tailored to your specific needs.

While there’s no one answer to this question, we encourage you to be careful with agencies offering restrictive keyword packages for set fees. Afterall, can you be certain that their pre-made package is the best fit for you? Our team of experienced SEO professionals undertake an in-depth SEO content audit to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. The results are different for each client and every marketplace, depending on the scope of your operation. As the most trusted name in the business, we use only long-term, sustainable White Hat techniques to unmatched growth and sustainable leads for our clients. If another agency’s offer seems too good to be true (or isn’t backed up with both experience and evidence) then your business could be at risk. Stick with us and sleep easy knowing you’re investing in long-term growth.

Absolutely. In fact, SEO should be a key element in all your on-going website strategies. As a specialist SEO agency, we pair expertise in keywords with a suite of complementary strategies that offer long-term growth and sustainable leads to your business. What’s more, TopRankings offers unmatched expertise in sustaining your business for the long-term. To create your bespoke SEO campaigns, we spend time understanding your current vision and objectives, assessing your competitors, and meeting you ‘where you’re at’ in the process of future-proofed growth. Put simply, SEO is a critical long-term lead-generating strategy that must be considered by all businesses. Choose the experts to guide you.

If designed and conducted in a best-practice manner, you can expect exciting, sustained growth via the use of proven SEO techniques. To be most effective in generating sales and leads, these techniques should be matched to each client as an individual, unique project. Be wary: off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all ‘solutions’ – offered by many businesses in this field – offer little or no prospect of the growth we know you’re after. Our TopRankings experts undertake extensive research into the current SEO performance and keywords rankings of your business, analysing the work of your key competitors as we go. What’s more, our trademark auditing process identifies gaps and weaknesses in your strategy, helping create a best-fit-possible SEO campaign for your brand. It’s our proven expertise and two decades of experience that solidifies both our relationships with clients and the ROI and unmatched growth they experience.

Unlike other providers, we don’t offer restrictive keyword packages that while harmful to your business are great for the bottom line of other SEO agencies. Instead, we proudly deliver on our Unlimited Keywords campaigns offering you outstanding, sustained business growth for years to come. During the campaign process, we get down-and-dirty with our research, seeking out target keywords and phrases prime for use in your industry. We use this information to craft a unique package of actionable keywords and phrases to develop the foundations of your SEO campaign. The terms we target can be delineated by capital city and suburb, as well as other subcategories of the target market. As time goes on, we work with you to revisit and refine your campaign, responding to the real-time needs of the market as we go.

Having been at the forefront of SEO in Australia since 2007, we use countless proven tools to regularly audit, remedy and improve your campaign. While the combination of tools we use will be relative to the scope and nature of your campaign, we love using our trademark, on-page score metrics that cover many aspects of website health including crawl errors, site speed, metadata optimisation opportunities, and more. What’s more, we’ve also developed several internal processes and proven documented strategies that now form part of our TopRankings intellectual property and proven approach. As we see it, things are pretty simple: work with the best, and you get the best in return!

At TopRankings, we believe that every website should be fluid rather than fixed. Creating a website and then leaving it unaltered – without maintenance – can wreak havoc on your long-term business growth. Fortunately, if redesign is  recommended, our partner company Digital Rescue are experienced specialists in the delivery of high-conversion WordPress websites specifically crafted to meet the needs of best-fit SEO practice. Our developers at Digital Rescue are experts in the art of match strategy with stunning design, content and visuals, delivering powerful, screen-based outcomes and a website you’ll want to shout about. Working together, our two companies can provide you with a complete improvement package to catapult your business forward in strategy, style and substance.

There’s nothing quite like an intimate knowledge of your own backyard. Over 20 years, we’ve gained a huge amount of insight, know-how, and experience of the inner workings of Australian businesses and marketplaces. Despite many requests from businesses in other countries, we choose to operate Australia-wide but not beyond our shores.

Absolutely. In fact, this is one of the key activities of our talented and experienced TopRankings team. Since 2007, we’ve reviewed thousands of websites belonging to an enormous range of businesses, big and small. Unlike other providers, however, we don’t off-the-shelf website subscription-based audits that auto-generate errors. Working in tandem with our partner company, Digital Rescue, we undertake extensive reviews and customised audits that help us reach an articulate diagnosis of the gaps, issues and scope for improvement in your website. Then, we set about creating a revolutionary, custom-fit SEO strategy just for you.

As the name suggests, local SEO is the process of providing more closely targeted SEO, delivering results from specific geo-located market segments or key communities. Local SEO can be extremely valuable to family-owned businesses or smaller businesses in general who are only servicing a small geographical audience. And yet, larger brands can still reap the rewards of specifically geo-targeted SEO campaigns as well. Local SEO activities enable our TopRankings experts to laser-focus on the most qualified leads. Then, landing pages can be crafted to connect with these specific audiences. Often, timing is also a key decision factor. These are situations where customers require a local solution to their problem – and for this to happen fast. It’s often about convenience; appreciating that the solution they require is locally-available (even from a national company).

We know reputational damage caused by Black Hat SEO strategy and other previous SEO blunders can be a painful and challenging situation to deal with. Luckily, we hear you – and we’re here to help!  Today’s media world can be disastrously unfair. Businesses can suffer from negative reviews and so-called ‘cancel culture’ surrounding a public brand, name or perception. If your business does not currently have the reputation it deserves, then professional help is vital in rebuilding. Our TopRankings team delves deep into SEO practices and website content and performance. This allows us to begin the process of creating sustainable, long-term growth strategy that will catapult your business beyond its current confines.

Many websites regularly attract casual, uncommitted visitors. When return visits are made, this indicates an increasing level of interest. Remarketing techniques help you fully engage – or re-engage – with these potential customers. Original visits are often made before a prospective client is even committed to making a purchase or hiring a service. Remarketing keeps your name front-of-mind, ahead of others the customer might consider when it’s time for them to make a firm decision. Effective Google remarketing actions can draw those ready-to-buy customers back to your business from social media platforms and other websites. Luckily, we know exactly how to do the same for you.

How often does an attempt to make an eCommerce purchase seem choc-full of difficulties? Potential clients become frustrated on website, and simply leave to conduct business elsewhere. Integrated eCommerce helps your site to operate smoothly – for you, as well as your customers. Ultimately, the purchase process should be uncomplicated. That is, any shipping methods should be fully integrated to allow ease of tracking and options for delivery. Equally, payment gateways should be easy for a customer to use, and seamless in their delivery of funds to you. Finally, your accounting and order management processes should be hassle-free centrally-accessible. Luckily, our partner company Digital Rescue are experts in combining all these elements in a stunning and effective WordPress web presence.

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