Optimising your website means one thing in general – creating an online platform that attracts the most targeted audience using a myriad of strategies. Most top-of-the-line eCommerce brands are well aware of the importance of search engine optimisation (SEO), as that’s what leads them to get free, recurring, and high-converting traffic in the first place. However, now that the competition is exceptionally tough to deal with while the market is getting saturated, it’s essential to learn the best SEO strategies for enhancing your eCommerce websites.

Here are twelve fool-proof tactics you can implement to make an establishing mark in the eCommerce industry successfully:

    • 1 – Improve Click-Through Rate (CTR) with Structured Data

A website’s click-through rate (CTR) elevates when you give your potential clients an incentive to review your products or services. Case in point, when you implement structured data on your web pages, it automatically generates relevant additional information that people can see directly on the result pages. For reference, check out the example below where a product’s star rating is displayed out-and-front in the meta-description.


    • 2 – Encourage Customers to Rate and Review

Implementing structured data to exhibit compelling reviews and ratings is excellent for enhancing your position among your competitors on the SERPs. However, let’s consider for a moment that you only have a couple of reviews on your website. In that case, this SEO practice might not do you much favour. That’s why it is an effective SEO-boosting strategy to encourage your customers to rate and review your services or products diligently. Conclusively, making eCommerce-benefiting efforts by engaging with your past, present, and potential clients through emails and social media increases your chances to get noticed.

    • 3 – Come Up with Unique and Compelling Content

One of the fundamentals yet overlooked SEO strategies for eCommerce websites is how they plan their content. When a brand’s product descriptions, product page copies, and blogs consist of unique and attention-catching content, it optimises their website and increases their organic ranking. Simply put, it’s best to flush out any visible duplicate content while providing valuable and to-the-point information to potential and existing clients.

    • 4 – Increase Your Site’s Loading Speed

Another SEO tactic that’s an important consideration of Google’s algorithm is to have a fast-loading website. The amount of time it takes for your web pages to upload is all part of the user experience, which is why it’s vital to ensure your website functions faster than your competitors’ online platforms within the same niche.

    • 5 – Prioritise User Experience with Ease of Navigation

To further improve your SEO and user experience, you must not neglect to create an easily navigable website for the web and mobile users. When you diminish as much resistance as possible from the homepage-to-checkout journey, it increases your brand’s online visibility while improving your website’s bounce rate.

    • 6 – Implement Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) with Field Professionals

Conversion rate optimisation is much more than updating your CTA (Call-to-Action) text and changing the button colours. Make noticeable CRO alterations that give your brand a competitive edge by hiring a professional with an analytical mind who knows how to boost your sales numbers drastically.

    • 7 – Keep Your Website Up to Date on Minutely Basis

It doesn’t look good for your SEO when you delete a specific product or an entire category from your website on a whim. Instead, there are numerous other strategies you can consider to deal with such circumstances at hand. For example, you can append a message of ‘Out of Stock’ for discontinued products and add relevant links for products with similar features. Another great option is to use ‘301 Redirects’ that take the customers to a new page instead of showing the problematic ‘404 Page Not Found’ error.

    • 8 – Place Relevant Internal Links, But Smartly

This is yet another one of the best SEO strategies for eCommerce websites that require help from skilled professionals. While internal linking is thought of as an outmoded tactic, it’s still imperative to implement it if you want your website to get credible traffic. On the other hand, placing irrelevant links or bombarding your site with too many internal links can damage your website’s reputation on the go.

    • 9 – Switch from HTTP to HTTPS

By shifting your website server from HTTP to HTTPS, you can give your customers the satisfaction that their personal data is being encrypted, including their credit card details. Moreover, Google prioritises HTTPS sites while demotivating users from accessing online platforms that aren’t rightfully secured.

    • 10 – Use Long-Tail Keywords to Your Advantage

Long-tail keywords are comparatively low-competition, and they offer a goldmine of opportunity for picking up numerous targeted clients. It’s also worth noticing that at least 70% of the users prefer using such keywords when they want to get the exact relevant match in the SERPs.

    • 11 – Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Making your eCommerce website mobile-friendly is crucial for improving your SEO and increasing your sales. As of 2016, Google has begun prioritising sites with a friendly mobile user experience that keeps customers engaged and satisfied until they make the final purchase.

    • 12- Leverage Videos and Photos While Anchoring the Brand Name

Lastly, including pictures and videos on your website is a sure-fire way to bring traffic to your website. However, remember to optimise your website so that your web pages don’t lack in terms of loading speed. Moreover, when you anchor the company’s name with your marketing arsenal, it naturally raises your web page’s demand on the SERPs due to high brand-relevant content.

SEO for eCommerce Wins the Click Race

In conclusion, you get to place your eCommerce website among the top search engine results by optimising its web pages with the best SEO strategies. Moreover, even though Google and other search engines change their algorithm with time, these twelve SEO tactics will remain valid for implementation for a long time to come. Last of all, when combined with adequate UI/UX techniques, SEO for eCommerce will continue to offer you never-ending opportunities while capturing your clients’ attention indefatigably.