It’s no secret that blogging is a powerful way to build your business, generate leads and create new revenue. But if you want to grow your blog and attract more readers, you must start with SEO (search engine optimisation).


Because without SEO, it’s extremely difficult for people to find your blog online. And if they can’t find you easily by searching on Google or another search engine, they can’t read your content or engage with you in other ways (like leaving comments). So, what do we mean when we say “SEO?” Let’s dive into the basics.

What is Blog SEO?

So, what is Blog SEO? Well, it’s the process of optimising a blog for search engines. But what does that mean?

Let’s start with the basics: if you want people to find your content on Google and other platforms (like Twitter or Facebook), then it needs to be optimised so that it can rank well in those search engine results pages (SERPs).

The practice of using SEO techniques to improve the ranking of a blog in search engines is known as “blog search engine optimisation.” While this practice has been around for some time since 1998, according to Wikipedia, it has become increasingly important over recent years due to increased competition from other sites vying for top spots on SERPs.

Why is a Blog Important in SEO?

Blogging is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with the world. You can use it as a way to build up your brand or even just as an outlet for your creativity. However, if no one is reading what you have written, all that hard work will be wasted.

What do we mean by attracting more readers? Well, there are many reasons why someone might want to learn more about something, and one of those reasons could be because they found something interesting on social media or through another blog post they read recently (or even one from yours). They might also be searching specifically for information related to what you write about, so appearing higher in Google searches would be beneficial here too!

Search engines find, examine, and display blog content to users. Your blog will likely appear in the SERP if your content is the most pertinent, in-depth, and useful (search engine results page).

By making your blogs SEO-friendly, you can:

  • Gain site authority 
  • Increase visibility 
  • Boost site traffic 
  • Generate more leads 

How to Attract Readers to Your Blog?

  • Use social media: Social media is important to your blog marketing strategy. If you have a Facebook page or Twitter account, make sure that people can find it. The more followers/friends/followers of your social media accounts, the higher their chance to find out about your blog and click on it when they are looking for something related to what you write about.
  • Write good content: Good content is always valuable and appreciated by readers. Whether it’s an article or video tutorial (or both), make sure that it has value in terms of quality information that readers can use in their everyday lives and entertainment value. Hence, they stay engaged while reading through all those paragraphs.
  • Use SEO keywords: This means using keywords related specifically towards topics discussed within each post, so Google knows what kind of content should show up when someone searches for those words online – this helps increase traffic, which leads back again…you guessed right – back here again where we started but now with more readers than ever before!
  • Keep it updated: Nothing is worse than following someone on social media or subscribing to their blog and then discovering that they haven’t posted anything in months! This can be frustrating for readers looking for new content from you, so make sure that when you post something new, it’s not too old (a few weeks).
  • Be consistent: If you want to gain new readers and keep them reading, you must post regularly. This means posting at least once a week (or more if possible) so people know what to expect from your blog.
  • Use images: People are more likely to read and share your posts if they contain pictures. This makes them more entertaining and engaging, so readers don’t mind scrolling through several paragraphs of text (and then scrolling again when they see a photo).
  • Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to increase your blog’s exposure. You can use them on social media or in your blog post – just make sure they’re relevant!

How to Get Started with Blog SEO?

The first thing you should do is choose a topic you are passionate about. If you are not interested in the topic, it will be difficult for readers to connect with your blog and trust what you have written.

Secondly, write about your chosen topic in an interesting way so that readers find it engaging and interesting enough for them to stick around on your blog for long periods. You can do this by using keywords in each blog post and making sure that the content is unique and original (i.e., don’t copy/paste from other websites).

Thirdly, use images or videos when possible, as these tend to get higher rankings on search engines due to their ability to attract more engagement from visitors than plain text alone would achieve!

Finally, write regularly and consistently. This will help you build an audience and make it easier for people to find your blog when looking for specific information on a topic.

Importance for a Blog to Rank Well in Search Engines

It is important for your blog to rank well in search engines. Why? Because it will help build your brand and increase customer engagement, which results in more website traffic.

If you have been blogging for some time now, it’s time to take things up a notch by increasing the number of readers visiting your blog regularly. As a reputable SEO agency in Melbourne, we know firsthand how difficult this can be when so many other blogs compete for attention from potential readers.

Understanding how search engines work is important to ensure you get the most out of your blog. This will help you determine what needs to be done to rank higher on Google. 

Blogs Are an Important Tool for Businesses to Engage Customers and Build Their Brand

Blogging allows you to create relevant, interesting, and helpful content for your readers. When you provide valuable information in a blog post, it helps build trust with potential clients.

If you want to attract more visitors from search engines like Google, you must optimise your blog posts to rank high in search results when someone searches for keywords related to your writing (ex: “how-to” article).

Are Blogs Good for SEO?

Blogs are a great way to build your SEO strategy, but many misconceptions exist about what they do and don’t do. I’m going to share with you the top three reasons why blogs are good for SEO:

1. They Allow You to Rank for More Keywords Than Just One

A blog is a collection of posts that are grouped together. You can write each post about a different topic so that you can rank for multiple keywords at the same time. This means that if you have ten blogs on your website, and each one has 1,000 visitors per month, then in total, you’ll have 10,000 monthly visitors coming from search engines (assuming they all get indexed).

You can also link to your other content from your blog – this helps Google understand what else is related to this topic and increases its confidence in ranking your site highly when someone searches for those terms.

2. Other Blogs Link to Your Content, Which Builds up Your Domain Authority

Other blogs link to your content, building your domain authority and helping you rank for more keywords.

If you’re a blogger or SEO specialist, this is great news because other people will link to your blog posts on social media or in their own articles. This can help increase traffic and improve your rankings for certain keywords–and all without having to do any additional work!

3. They Provide Useful and Interesting Content That People Want to Read

Blog posts are a good way to provide useful information, share your knowledge and experience, share your opinion and offer tips. These are all things people want from their online interactions. If you can provide these things in a format that’s easy for users to find and consume–like a blog post–it will likely come back for more of what you have to say on the subject.

This is especially true if the content is unique or valuable enough to become part of an ongoing conversation within your industry (or even just within social media).


Ultimately, a blog is a great way to engage customers and build your brand. A well-optimized blog will attract more readers and help you rank higher in search engines. This will lead to more traffic for your website, which can be used as an advertising platform or even sold off!

TopRankings can assist you if you’re looking for a reliable SEO agency that emphasises client growth and dependable long-term partnerships. We collaborate with clients who trust a data-driven approach to support the success you deserve. We take a high-value, hassle-free approach to all we do. Use the agency that brands have trusted for 20+ years. Contact us for a free consultation today!