Google measures and evaluates web pages using several ranking signals. Core Web Vitals is one of the most recent and significant Page Experience scores. Your site’s overall user experience (UX) and search engine optimisation (SEO) may suffer if you don’t optimise it for these metrics.

According to a study by Portent, a website’s initial five seconds load time significantly influenced conversion rates. That’s all the time you get to make an excellent first impression on your audience.

The user experience has always included site speed. But the focus has never been on pure speed. For audiences to find your page valuable, it must be quick, visually stable, and responsive. It’s now a crucial SEO ranking factor for your website, thanks to Google’s Core Web Vitals.

The good news is that you can actively work to enhance Core Web Vitals once you know what they are and how to measure them. By doing this, you can ensure that you’re giving your users a good experience and that your website complies with Google’s guidelines for better search engine visibility.

In 2021, as part of the search engine’s more extensive Google Page Experience overhaul, Core Web Vitals was released. But what are Core Web Vitals exactly, and how can you enhance them on your websites?

In this post, we’ll introduce you to Google’s Core Web Vitals and their purpose and methodology. We’ll then share several ways you might enhance them. Let’s go for it!

What are Core Web Vitals? 

Core Web Vitals are page experience indicators that assess a website’s user experience. Simply said, these signals measure how quickly people can interact with your website and the quality of the results they will get. These indicators evaluate how simple it is for users to utilise the website.

Your page experience scores will increase if you enhance user experience and improve your website.

Importance of Core Web Vitals 

Your search results may be enhanced with Core Web Vitals. They are crucial since they enable Google to assess a website’s performance and spot opportunities for development.

More particularly, these measurements take into account the following:

  • Loading
  • Visual stability
  • Interactivity

These are just a few factors that Google considers when evaluating a website’s health in its algorithms. It also takes into account mobile friendliness. This is significant since more people are accessing the web through mobile devices. Your website may lose out on a lot of traffic and sales if it isn’t mobile-friendly.

Website security is another critical factor, enabling you to defend your site against online dangers like malware and hacking. It aids in protecting both the user data and the content of your website.

You may improve your website’s performance and rank in search results by ensuring it complies with these requirements. In other words, focusing on and enhancing Core Web Vitals can improve your SEO and user experience. 

How Does Core Web Vital Work? 

Core Web Vitals is a subset of the factors that make up Google’s Page Experience score, a ranking indicator introduced in 2021.

The Core Web Vitals metrics measure different on-page elements that could impact user experience. Google will evaluate websites that fall into one of three rating categories:

  1. Good
  2. Needs Improvement
  3. Poor

There are four Core Web Vitals that deal with measuring user involvement and page speed:

Largest Contentful Paint

It takes longer for overloaded websites to load all of the page content. It’s frequently a compelling case to compare landing pages to websites. LCP aims to fix this because it can be a frustrating user experience.

This metric measures how long it takes for the largest piece of content on the page to load fully. This could be text or quality images when creating the ideal booking website. Whatever the issue, a brief delay between clicking a link and the page fully loading the content can discourage users.

According to LCP, a site must load its content in under 2.5 seconds to receive a “good” rating.

First Input Delay

The amount of time before a user can interact with a web page is measured by FID. Like the first metric, this may comprise a material that has not yet loaded or shifted lower on the page while it loads, rendering it inaccessible and frustrating for users.

To receive a “good” ranking from Google in this area, a delay before an interaction must be shorter than 100ms. Users generally anticipate rapid contact with web pages. To aid with this, you might consider the website plugins you are utilising.

Cumulative Layout Shift

CLS measures the visual stability of your page. For instance, if some page elements are unstable during loading, this may lead to accidental clicks, negatively impacting the user experience.

The most frequent cause of this problem is loading advertising that pushes other website elements down. Another offender might be cookie notices, which prevent or push people away from accessing crucial components. This metric’s measurement can be challenging because it is not speed-based. A CLS score of less than 0.1 receives Google’s ‘good’ rating.

How to Track Performance and Measure Core Web Vitals?

Now that you know the three signals that makeup Core Web Vitals, let’s concentrate on the two things that matter the most: measuring and reporting. Do you use Core Web Vitals to assess your performance, and if so, how? Or, to put it another way, how do you resolve problems when they arise?

Google has made it very easy to track the Core Web Vitals because it thinks they are essential to every web experience.

You can evaluate your Core Web Vitals using one of these Google tools below:

Google’s Chrome User Experience Report

For each Core Web Vital, this report gathers genuine user measurement data that has been anonymised. This data enables site owners to evaluate their performance instantly without manually adding analytics.

PageSpeed Insights

Anyone can use this tool to enter a URL and gather field and lab data regarding the performance of their web page. PageSpeed Insights will produce a PageSpeed score and list potential enhancements under the “Opportunities” and “Diagnostics” sections after gathering the data.

Google Search Console’s Core Web Vitals report

A tool for Core Web Vitals performance on desktop and mobile devices is available in Google Search Console. But unlike other systems that gather field and lab data from a simulated environment, this exclusively gathers data from actual users.

Core Web Vitals Chrome Extension

You can use the Web Vitals Chrome extension to evaluate your website’s speed and functionality. It offers data about the functionality of your websites, such as the size, requests made, and page load time. It also provides advice on how to enhance the functionality of your website.

5 Ways to Improve Your Core Web Vitals Scores

There are a few methods for raising your Core Web Vitals scores, even though there isn’t one “proven” strategy for outwitting Google.

Here are a few practical tips for improving your Core Web Vitals scores:

1. Minimise JavaScript (JS) Execution

If your report’s FID score is low, it suggests that users are interacting with your website for more than 300 milliseconds. You should consider decreasing and improving your JS execution. It takes less time for the page to load once your browser executes the JS code.

Utilising as little memory as possible is also crucial. Why? The browser reserves new RAM each time the code on your website asks, stopping JavaScript and potentially slowing down the page.

Deferring unneeded JS is one method listed by Google for decreasing execution time.

2. Optimise and Compress Image

Doesn’t that sound very obvious? However, images make up the bulk of many websites’ content. Therefore, optimising them is essential since doing so can make your page substantially lighter, improving its loading speed, LCP score, user experience, and search engine ranks.

By using a small jpg to compress photos, you may decrease the size of the entire page while enhancing LCP performance. You might believe that image compression will impair the resolution or quality. The difference is only noticeable when you zoom in or if the image is stored in the incorrect format. 

Always try to save images in the png format and jpg format for landscape photos. Next-generation formats like JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, or WebP are options, although we advise researching first.

3. Consider Using Content Delivery Network

In addition to compression, turning on the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for images is crucial. You can store your material on a network of servers worldwide known as a content delivery network (CDN). This implies that the content of your website will be served to users from nearby servers. This may facilitate even faster loading times.

Users’ LCP times can be sped up by using a CDN. Additionally, it can reduce the Time to First Byte (TTFB).

4. Install Lazy Loading

Lazy loading must be used if you display images on your website to prevent damage to your site’s user experience and core web vitals score. By preserving the website’s loading speed and maximising your LCP score, lazy loading enables loading images at the precise moment users scroll down the page.

5. Continuously Evaluate Site Performance

If you haven’t already, we advise adopting a long-term strategy and monitoring the effectiveness of your website over time while making changes as necessary.

It took some time for Core Web Vitals metrics to go live, as with many updates. If a site’s organic performance was affected, it probably wasn’t seen immediately.

Instead of using PageSpeed Insights to assess individual pages, Google Search Console’s Core Web Vitals report makes assessing your site’s overall performance simple. The tool ranks URL performance as “poor,” “needs improvement,” or “good” and groups it by status, metric type, and URL group.


Keep in mind that the back end of your website interacts with the front end, so ensure the back end is optimised to deliver the best user experience regarding page load time, visual stability, and interactivity. Additionally, remembering Google’s existing search signals, like mobile friendliness, safe surfing, HTTPS, and restrictions on intrusive interstitials, would be beneficial.

You can always work with a reputable SEO agency like TopRankings and a web design agency like Digital Rescue to assist you in improving your Core Web Vitals Score and enhancing the user experience as part of your SEO efforts if you want to stay on top of all this.


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