You probably have the same question (which explains why you’re reading this blog, in the first place).

The idea that Google RankBrain revolutionised the way search results are decided upon cannot be overstated. The ultimate purpose of Google is to provide users with the information they are looking for and RankBrain enables the search engine giant to deliver results based on more than simply the page’s keywords.

In other words, if SEO is important to you, you MUST optimise for RankBrain. Why?

Because Google just declared that RankBrain is the third most important ranking signal.

And every day, its significance grows.

In this article, we’ll explain what Google RankBrain is, how it functions, and how it utlimately impacts your SEO campaigns.

Understanding Google RankBrain 

Google’s core algorithm includes RankBrain, which employs machine learning to identify the most pertinent results for user queries. To process Google search queries, RankBrain is used to encode enormous volumes of textual material into computable mathematical units, known as vectors.

When RankBrain encounters an unfamiliar term or phrase, the computer may infer what words or phrases might have a related meaning and filter the results accordingly, making it more adept at handling unusual search queries.

At first, RankBrain only had a little impact on searches—about 15%—but now it has an impact on all results. Its advancement on the Hummingbird Update allows the search engine to examine the general topic matter or intent behind the query rather than just exact strings of characters and words. The language is transformed into vectors by RankBrain for each word or phrase that the search engine cannot understand. These mathematical entities aid the machine in deducing meaning from context and related language.

In reality, Google’s RankBrain will provide various search results for a query like “How many kilometres in an hour?” depending on factors like the location of the search.

Despite the names being similar, Google reported to Search Engine Land that RankBrain preferred different responses for that query in Australia compared to the United States due to the differences in measurements between the two nations.

What distinguishes RankBrain from other updates is its machine learning component. Google “feeds” data from several sources to the RankBrain algorithm to “train” it on how to generate helpful search results. The algorithm then proceeds by calculating and learning over time to match a variety of signals to a range of outcomes and to order search engine ranks according to these calculations.

How does Google RankBrain Work?

RankBrain’s main objective is to aid Google in comprehending search queries and the intent of the searcher. With the help of this tool, Google can discover more about a webpage’s content than just its keywords.

The primary tasks that RankBrain considers are listed below.

Plural Queries

Before RankBrain, exact keywords and phrases were required to rank effectively. For instance, websites containing information about laptops (plural) would not appear if you searched for a laptop (singular). In most instances, Google used to identify this as a different phrase by making the word plural.

But things have changed now. Google can now return plural results for your singular search queries, thanks to RankBrain. Regardless of whether you use the singular or plural format for your search queries, it recognises the similarity of the searches.

Synonym Queries

Before RankBrain, Google could not recognise if a webpage was utilising a synonym for a search term, even while providing the reader with useful results.

Thanks to RankBrain, Google can recognise many approaches to searching for the same thing.


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The searcher’s goal is to locate a local SEO agency for all of these queries.

Why Is Google RankBrain Important? 

One of the “hundreds” of signals that are incorporated into an algorithm that decides which results show up on a Google search page and how high they are ranked includes RankBrain.

After content and links, RankBrain has risen to become the third-most significant indicator that influences the results that show up in your searches in the five years after its introduction.

The Google search engine has improved its ability to decipher the overall intent behind previously unknown phrases or sentences, even though it is still invisible to the common user.

Currently, out of the hundreds of signals used to decide search ranking, Google’s RankBrain is said to be responsible for virtually all internet searches today, making it one of the most important signals.

How Will RankBrain Impact Your SEO?

Determining your keywords has always been the first part of developing an SEO strategy. You will be looking for keywords that customers are searching for that are pertinent to your business as you define your keywords. A successful SEO campaign has always been built on this foundation.

Your campaign is doomed if you’re targeting keywords that customers aren’t searching for. This foundational stage of SEO is the one that RankBrain will impact the most.

Before RankBrain, search rankings were determined by a mathematical algorithm built by Google’s software developers. The algorithm would remain the same until it was updated.

On the other hand, Rank Brain has made that same algorithm learn and constantly change.

Although RankBrain is altering the SEO strategy of keyword optimisation by understanding a user’s intent better, SEO strategies are not obsolete. Instead, it encourages SEO strategies to adapt.

Simply put, RankBrain has an impact on SEO by lowering the relevance of keyword matching and raising the importance of your content, providing the most relevant information users are looking for. This means you must start with excellent content and centre it around answering your customers’ questions rather than just optimising content for a keyword.

Optimising Your Website for RankBrain

You must optimise your website and content for RankBrain if you want to rank well in Google searches today. Without these strategies, your website can quickly become irrelevant, and you’ll see a click-through decline.

A website’s user data is lower as its click-through rate falls. RankBrain has fewer data points to determine its relevance when that occurs. Your website won’t appear in the top rankings as a result, and your visibility will decline dramatically.

How soon can this happen?

Sooner than you anticipate. You’ll immediately realise that your previous SEO strategies aren’t working as Google’s trust in RankBrain grows.

How then should your website and content be optimised for Google’s new algorithm? Here are some tested strategies for making RankBrain work in your favour:

Establish Your Website’s Reputation

Do you know the preferred content for your audience? What kind of topic do they engage with more frequently?

Take the time to learn about the topic preferences of your audience. Recognise their interests and focus your content more on those topics.

Producing content alone, though, is not enough. You must strive to acquire high-quality backlinks if you want to improve the reputation of your website. You can contribute a guest post on authoritative websites with the same target audience. 

This can enhance your traffic, visibility, and engagement over time, all of which contribute to the development of your reputation. The longer a user spends on your website, the more relevant RankBrain considers it.

Medium-Tail Keywords Optimisation

Long tail keywords will become obsolete very soon, given the way RankBrain works. In the past, Google would get results based on the exact keywords entered. Therefore, searching for “best SEO Agency” and “best Agency for SEO” will yield different results.

However, RankBrain recognises that the meaning of both of these search terms is the same and, therefore, returns the same search results. Optimising for medium-tail keywords would be the most effective strategy for RankBrain. When you optimise for medium-tail keywords, RankBrain will automatically optimise for long-tail keywords.

Produce User Intent-Centred Contents

RankBrain returns the emphasis on content. You can easily optimise your website if it has quality content. Your CTR will decrease if your content is poor. Readers won’t return to your website, resulting in a lower RankBrain ranking.

Finding relevant keywords is not something you must concentrate on too much. Because with  RankBrain, your content might be ranked for searches that reflect the user’s search intent. So you shouldn’t be concentrating too much on keyword density any longer. You should concentrate more on using your content to address user intent. This is because readers care more about high-quality content today.

Increase Your Click-Through Rates

Google’s quality score algorithm rates your website according to its content quality and keywords. The quality score algorithm heavily relies on the click-through rate. It provides a sense of the website’s overall user experience.

You must make sure that users click on your links because RankBrain learns from human decisions. For your SEO approach to be successful, you need a better click-through rate. Ensuring that your content is well-written is an excellent approach to acquiring a higher CTR. 

Increase the Dwell Time

One of the most significant ranking factors is the dwell time. This indicates that Google takes into account how long visitors stay on your page. Google will recognise that your content is interesting and relevant if users spend more time on it, and Google will then prioritise your page when ranking it.

How can you increase visitors’ time spent on your site?

Start by putting in place a sound SEO strategy. Make sure your information is entertaining for users and is simple to read and scan.

You may also incorporate internal links into your web pages as another means of attracting their attention. 

Just be sure to include internal links related to your website’s information. This simple method keeps them on your website longer and offers them insightful information.

Additionally, website design and page load times are important elements that might impact how long visitors stay on your site. Remember that providing a positive user experience should be your primary goal.

Optimise Your Site for Google RankBrain With Us!

Top SEO specialists agree that RankBrain is making Google smarter and wiser daily. Although it isn’t a ranking criterion in the same sense that links and keywords are, it is a crucial component of how Google presents organic search results, so it is still worth your time.

If you are looking to optimise for RankBrain, you can try to follow the tips we provided or just hire a reputable Melbourne SEO agency to do the work or guide you through the optimisation process. Call us now for an obligation-free chat!