The online presence of your eCommerce store is EVERYTHING. It is a tactic for attracting more people to your website. It’s how prospective clients learn about your products. In the end, it’s essential to building your eCommerce empire.

Online visibility is the only way to attract potential clients ready to buy from your website and close those crucial deals. It is your eCommerce store’s lifeblood and the best approach to increase sales, customer retention, and your bottom line.

So, how can you establish an online presence for your website so that many eager customers can find it?

ECommerce SEO is the most effective strategy for increasing sales and establishing your store’s online presence. Promoting your products online and competing with other well-established, well-known brands is a terrific approach. Additionally, eCommerce SEO will significantly increase your website’s traffic and propel your organic Google ranks to the top.

Ready? It’s time to dig into a mix of essential eCommerce SEO tips from a reputable SEO Agency in Melbourne that will literally put you one position above the competition.

What is eCommerce SEO?

The process of optimising your online store for eCommerce SEO aims to increase its visibility in organic search results like Google. More click-happy customers are drawn to your website, where they’ll buy, buy, buy when you rank higher in search results for keywords associated with your products.

Being at the top of Google for all of your relevant keywords is the ultimate goal of eCommerce SEO. Get more people to check out your product online with the expectation that they will buy it if they like it. It works like a perpetual cash machine, giving you money even when you’re sleeping.

Importance of eCommerce SEO to Your eCommerce Store

As we’ve already mentioned, online presence is EVERYTHING. Customers buying amazing products online is essential to your business, but they must first find your website. And Google is where it all begins.

According to Think with Google, 49% of shoppers claim that they use search engines to find new brands and products. Consider Google as window shopping in the online world: If your brand isn’t prominently displayed on the shelves, there’s no chance someone will actually make the purchase.

And if you believe that paid search can help you close the gap, think again.  While Google Ads should undoubtedly be a part of any effective eCommerce marketing strategy, it is far more expensive than SEO. eCommerce SEO must be a part of your game plan unless you have thousands of dollars to spend on Google Ads.

So, how can you get your online store to rank well for the keywords your customers use to search?

To learn more, keep reading.

Why Does SEO Keyword Research Matter to eCommerce Sites?

The cornerstone of any effective eCommerce strategy is keyword research. Customers use keywords to find your product and category pages on Google. You can generate unlimited online revenue if your website shows up when people are searching for what you’re selling.

The ultimate goal is to optimise each page of your eCommerce site for a specific set of search terms. However, you need to have a laser-sharp focus on your target keywords because thousands of searches are made every second. Focusing your efforts on the most valuable keywords that attract customers who convert well is important.

How do you evaluate a keyword’s value? Everything depends on the search intent.

What is Search Intent in SEO Keyword Research?

Although there are many reasons why someone could use Google to search, keywords are often grouped into one of four categories:

  • Informational Intent – These queries are made when a user types in Google terms like “how to make,” “ways to,” or “where to find.” They are looking for information.
  • Navigational Intent – A user searches for a specific web page, such as the cost of a particular product, the hours of operation of a business, or contact information.
  • Commercial Intent – Commercial keywords, sometimes referred to as product research intent, are used when a user wants to learn more about a particular product.
  • Transactional Intent – The buyer is online and ready to make a purchase. These keywords frequently contain phrases like “shop for cheap motor parts” or “purchase designer bags online.” For eCommerce SEO, transactional keywords are the pinnacle because they clearly indicate the user’s buying intent.

Your objective as an eCommerce site should be to concentrate on the latter two. Users who search for these keywords are much more likely to make a purchase than those who are merely looking for information online since they are the most likely to have eCommerce intent.

How to Conduct Keyword Research for eCommerce SEO?

Now that you have a better idea of search intent let’s examine how to find the ideal keywords to represent your website.

Fortunately, there are lots of online tools available to assist you in finding the ideal keywords for your SEO strategy. Some of the most common online tools for keyword research are as follows: 


One of the best keyword planner tools available has to be SEMrush, which is great for any eCommerce website. It has a lot of useful information that will enable you to keep tabs on your competitors and discover the keywords they are utilising. Once you know the keywords your competitors are using, you may outrank them in searches for those terms.


You may use Ahrefs to view all the juicy details about your competitors’ keywords and then use that information to target their keywords. It’s an insightful tool that offers a tonne of extras. You are eavesdropping on them, but rest assured that they are spying on potential rivals as well!

Google Keyword Planner Tool

When you enter your primary keywords into Google’s Keyword Planner Tool, it immediately suggests numerous other popular phrases comparable to your targeted keywords. For instance, when you entered “SEO Agency Melbourne,” you received results that included roughly 30 alternative phrases and their monthly searches. How fantastic is that!

How to Optimise Your eCommerce Store Using On-Page SEO?

It’s time to optimise your website’s performance now that you have your keywords close at hand.

We’ll walk you through all the clever techniques for optimising your on-page elements so your eCommerce website functions as a powerful sales tool. All of your product pages will be SEO-perfect and will rank on search engines as a result, which is how you generate a significant amount of revenue.

Optimise the Structure of Your eCommerce Website

In any SEO plan, a straightforward, well-structured website is a no-brainer. Clean layouts make it simpler for Google to crawl and index your website’s pages. Additionally, if visitors to your website can locate what they’re looking for quickly, it will help you make more sales. These are important ranking indicators since Google values user experience highly.

The greatest approach to keep customers browsing your website satisfied is to adhere to the straightforward 3-click rule. According to Wikipedia, a website user should be able to find any information with three or fewer mouse clicks. Therefore, keeping everything as simple as possible is the key to the ideal site structure.

Your URLs Should Have a Sensible Structure

The greatest option would be to generate sensible, simple-to-follow URLs that are SEO-friendly, which must be done during the planning stage of your website’s design and development.

Here’s a sample URL template you can use for all of your product pages:

Your URLs will be short and keyword-rich thanks to this template, which is important for ranking purposes. Additionally, it results in shorter, more logical URLs than long character strings.

Pro Tip: Avoid using underscores and use hyphens instead as a general best practice.

Use Captivating Metadata

The two most important elements of your eCommerce on-page SEO strategy are titles and descriptions.

The meta title, which can contain up to 60 characters, is what Google shows in the search results. It must be concise, direct, and heavily sales-oriented. It is what consumers will see immediately and is a huge sales trigger point.

The meta description, which shows below your meta title, is a concise description of your website that can contain up to 155 characters. It gives your visitors a bit more context for the page, and this is where you may increase the sales of your products.

Ensure that you use captivating and unique metadata that will catch the attention of users to click and view your content, which will bring more traffic to your website as a result.

Optimise Your Product Pages

Because your customers will make their purchasing decisions on your product pages, which are the most important element of the website, you must optimise these pages for conversions. Although optimising hundreds of pages on a massive eCommerce website will be difficult, it will boost your chances of improving your Google ranks and, more importantly, closing that deal.

Optimise Your eCommerce Store with eCommerce SEO Today!

With eCommerce SEO, you can optimise your online store for both rankings and sales. You’ll be well on your way to dominating organic search and ranking in sales from loyal customers if you use all of the information offered in this post.

One thing to keep in mind is that SEO for eCommerce sites doesn’t happen overnight. A consistent trial-and-error method is required to achieve the best results.

Need assistance creating a successful eCommerce SEO strategy? Get in touch with our eCommerce SEO specialists at TopRankings to learn how we can help boost your eCommerce website.

Do you also need to revamp your eCommerce website or build one from scratch? We work with one of Melbourne’s leading eCommerce website design agencies, our sister company, Digital Rescue. Together, we can guarantee a well-optimised eCommerce website that will help establish your online presence and bring significant revenue to your business.

What are you waiting for? Contact us today and get your obligation-free consultation!