If you are not happy with your website traffic, you might be faced with a possibly ineffective content marketing strategy. Online traffic is critical to bloggers and businesses. But when no one is reading your masterpiece online, there is sure to be an underlying cause. Here are some reasons people are not paying attention:

Your content is not optimised for search

Blogging and other methods of content marketing are directly tied to search. Because every article you publish is another page that Google has to index, you’ll need to make sure your content is optimised for search engines all the time. Make sure your SEO and content strategies are aligned: if you wish to target a certain market segment, you’ll need to understand what they search for, and how, when and where they do.

A common mistake corporate bloggers make is failing to match their brand identity with unique keyword sets. If, for instance, you’re selling solar panels for home use, dig up similar search words that are built around the concept. Go for long-tail keywords like “alternative sources of energy” or “smart home technology.” This opens up your site to diverse and creative topics that also generate traffic.

Your content is boring

Don’t simply narrate events or list product details. To capture your audience, tell stories that highlight the unique features of your product, which your competitors don’t offer. Or, you can talk about memorable experiences that inspired your business ventures, interests, or advocacy. All in all, be authentic.

Your content is not valuable to your audience

Writing valuable content means writing something that meets your audience’s needs or encourages them to take things a step forward. If your business is about eating healthy, don’t just preach the harmful effects of a bad diet. Instead, offer them insights into the science and art of healthy living.

Your content is not promoted well on social media

So you’ve written a thought-provoking blog post, now what? It’s best to get people talking by promoting your content on the social web. If you have the time, reach out to social influencers and introduce your brand. If the content you offer is unique and compelling, chances are, social media managers will take interest and highlight your work on their channel.